If you have been blocked on WhatsApp but you still don't know, just because you still can make the calls to that person, and here is how to check if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp.
The reason why you still can make a call to your WhatsApp friend who has blocked you is you are able to hear the ringing sound from your WhatsApp calls, but actually, the call never got delivered to the other line. Here are a few easy tips to check if someone already blocked you.
Tips 1: Check on that person's profile picture
Normally, you can see that person's profile picture, but whenever he/she blocked you on WhatsApp, you won't be able to see his/her profile picture anymore. Instead of seeing the picture as before, you will be seeing a white blank default picture on their profile
Tips 2: Check for the last seen status
The WhatsApp last seen status is located under the WhatsApp contact number. Whenever you open the WhatsApp chat conversation between you and someone, you will be able to see how long ago did he/she online on WhatsApp.
If any case, you don't see this last seen status then he/she probably blocked you. Even if in the case that person doesn't have internet connection, the last seen status still shows he/she was online until which date or time. But if there is no longer a last seen status then it is in high chance that you are blocked.
Tips 3: Check for last message sent and ticks
In WhatsApp, 2 blue ticks indicates that messages are sent and read by the other WhatsApp contact. 2 grey ticks means that messages are sent, but not yet seen by that person. But whenever, you can see both of the last seen status, as well as blank profile picture, plus only one grey tick on the last message sent then your contact are blocked by your friend on WhatsApp.
Tips 4: Make a voice call or add that person to a new chat group
If you tap on voice call then it keeps ringing, but there will be no reply from that person who blocked your contact on WhatsApp since he/she will never receive the call.
One more thing, you can do is tap on Menu button and create a new chat group. After that, try to add that person into the group chat. You are not able to add the WhatsApp contact in. This time, you know that you are blocked on WhatsApp from the person side.
You can always watch this video for how to know if someone blocked you on WhatsApp in details. Here is how I do to check it, with full demo.
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