Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 10, 2016

How to Know Who is your WhatsApp Best Friends – Take this Simple Trick

WhatsApp Tricks

If you want to know whoever your WhatsApp best friends, then just follow these 4 simple steps. You should probably know that WhatsApp best friends are those who chat with you the most. Here is a simple trick on WhatsApp.

Step 1: Open your updated version of WhatsApp Messenger on your phone. Remember, if you haven’t update it, just head over the Google Play Store settings, find the update for WhatsApp Messenger then click update.

Step 2:  Now, Go to WhatsApp Settings and click on Account option there

Step 3: Check up the WhatsApp Storage Usage by go to Account >>> Storage Usage. You will see the total number of messages that have been sent between you and your WhatsApp friends.

Step 4: Now check for who do you chat the most in WhatsApp storage usage. You will see the rank from least to most messages that sent to whom in your list.

Hey, now, you’ve known that who is your best WhatsApp friend since you’ve been sending how many messages to him /her. 
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